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Last update 13.07.2024 18:47:23, Creator/Last Upload: Madeleine Hugo

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Starting rank

1CMPeter, Noah14323656RSA1713
2Ackerdien, Saud14361051RSA1479
3Schler, Jayden14361191RSA1471
4Dugmore, Deacon14361086RSA1466
5Van Der Merwe, Lucas14329042RSA1443
6Amachukwu, Joseph14376679RSA1441
7Pienaar, Keane14328941RSA1440
8Kipper, Wolfgang14358549RSA1430
9Murray, Jaydon14361167RSA1414
10Brown, Nathan14361078RSA1372
11Banoobhai, Troy14370131RSA1351
12Blandy, Levi14389665RSA1348
13Sihewula, Achuma14347571RSA1348
14Hall, Joshua14370158RSA1307
15Prins, Joshua14376610RSA1253
16Gie, Luca14370824RSA1200
17Cona, Shaunwin14376520RSA1191
18Gie, Mckenzie14361540RSA1190
19April, Elethu14390655RSA1173
20Duri, Dion Ruvarashe14389592RSA1167
21Welskit, Taaliah14347695RSA1009