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Kejohanan Catur MSSB Utara Sabah 2024 Perempuan 15 TKB

Last update 16.07.2024 05:39:07, Creator/Last Upload: Kejohanan Catur MSSM

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Starting rank

1Alisa GimpunMAS1000Kota Belud
2Ilyrissa Beal Binti BenjoronMAS1000Pitas
3Jevera WilfriedMAS1000Kota Marudu
4Nur Firzanah Binti Mohd FadzliMAS1000Kudat
5Azwa Atasya Binti AsulanMAS950Kota Belud
6Ivy Octavia BenjoronMAS950Pitas
7Nurul Nazwa Naziah Binti AhmadMAS950Kudat
8Vya Theressa RelysonMAS950Kota Marudu
9Decybell Via PslamMAS900Kota Belud
10Elvynerlyn JukaMAS900Pitas
11Ladyanna Pamela Binti Mohammad NorhamMAS900Kota Marudu
12'Aliyyah Khalishah Binti AminulrashidMAS850Kota Marudu
13Christin Binti HenrryMAS850Kota Belud
14Dzye Lavendra Laura JosselimMAS850Kudat
15Leong Yi HuiMAS850Pitas
16Esther Calistha JamesMAS800Kota Belud
17Iskah Irdiyana JotanMAS800Kota Marudu
18Lee Chennyfisther JumadiMAS800Pitas
19Azia Zahrah Zuyyin Binti ZainalMAS750Kudat
20Chrlly Grace Binti JohnMAS750Kota Belud
21Nurhikma Istighfara Binti Mohd RafiMAS750Kota Marudu
22Sylcy MixksonMAS750Pitas
23Eizell Jerelyna JelnesonMAS0Pitas
24Nursyhera Natasya Binti RudyMAS0Pitas