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Chequeo Estadal Infantil Asoajedrene 2024 Sub-14 Absoluto CIRCUITO IRT ASOAJEDRENE 2024

Last update 14.07.2024 21:56:28, Creator/Last Upload: FEDERACION VENEZOLANA DE AJEDREZ (Li.16)

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Starting rank

1Perez Marcano, Miguel Andres3958400VEN1732
2Luzardo Lopez, Aranza Victoria3956733VEN1689w
3Rodriguez Gomez, Alfonso David3964485VEN1589
4Gonzalez Eurresta, Jose David3967379VEN1581
5Gonzalez Eurresta, Diego Alejandro3977277VEN1578S12
6Reyes Hernandez, Jose Luis23902671VEN1578
7Farias Gonzalez, Williams Eduardo3967727VEN1543
8Brito Ramirez, Enghel Gabriel3994279VEN1524
9Montufar Lopez, Fernando David23902639VEN1498
10Cabrera Castellanos, Cesar3997073VEN1494S12
11Agreda Lathulerie, Matias Jose3992993VEN1474
12Lopez Marcano, Jade Delvalle23902256VEN1450w
13Garcia Montano, Jesus David3967360VEN1448
14Gonzalez Salazar, Jesus Zadkiel23902183VEN1419S12
15Marcano Rodriguez, Zara Mailen23902272VEN1404w
16Arroyo Velasquez, Agsbel Enrique23914955VEN0
17Beroni Quijada, Luis Felipe23920661VEN0S12
18Salazar Perez, Sebastian Adrian23917113VEN0