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Chequeo Estadal Infantil Asoajedrene 2024 Sub-10 Absoluto CIRCUITO IRT ASOAJEDRENE 2024

Last update 14.07.2024 21:56:18, Creator/Last Upload: FEDERACION VENEZOLANA DE AJEDREZ (Li.16)

Starting rank list of players

5Chacon Pina, Luciana Del Valle23902213VEN1528w
6Marin Alvarez, Israel Andres23901144VEN1506
8Diaz Araujo, Rodrigo Fabian3999211VEN1480
7Briceno Mendez, Isabella Daniela23901152VEN1414w
1Reyes Hernandez, Ronni Jose23903864VEN1408
2Acosta Lopez, Isaac Alberto EduardoVEN0
3Chaumer Lopez, Samuel23906545VEN0
4Muller Ramos, Veronica RebecaVEN0w