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2024 Frances Baard Grand Prix 2.0 Under 18 & Under 20

Last update 06.07.2024 18:15:33, Creator/Last Upload: Warren Ahjum

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1Ahjum, KristenRSA1531Kimberley Chess Club
2De Jager, JaydenRSA1486Technical High School
3Du Plooy, JoshuaRSA1412Northern Cape High School
4Awung, CherylRSA1377Kimberley Boys High
5Van Vreede, EthanRSA1345Northern Cape High School
6Ahjum, JordanRSA1339Kimberley Chess Club
7Mabilo, RatanangRSA1262Kimberley Girls High School
8March, AtlegangRSA1201Kimberley Girls High School
9Jones, ThandiswaRSA1165Kimberley Chess Club
10Moitse, KaoneRSA1165Kimberley Girls High School
11Tlisane, NyakalloRSA0Kimberley Boys High