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2024 Prestige College Open Chess Tournament E Section

Last update 06.07.2024 13:20:14, Creator/Last Upload: Renè Pienaar (de Beer)

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Starting rank

1Khosana, OnaleronaRSA1265
2Palmer, EliRSA1259
3Kgengwenyane, GoitseoneRSA1200
4Rakgatlha, Karabo KgobaneRSA1198
5Van der Merwe, AlexRSA1198
6Hans, BoitshepoRSA1197
7Nyakalo, LubanziRSA1194
8Matlou, KhumoRSA1169
9Ngwenya, NkosinathiRSA1162
10Maako, MahlatsiRSA0
11Makwela, ThabisoRSA0
12Mathabe, BoikanyoRSA0
13Moloi, MaseRSA0
14Moloisane, RemothabetseRSA0
15Morena, BokgaboRSA0
16Namise, RemoratileRSA0
17Wang, ZhihaoRSA0