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2024 Prestige College Open Chess Tournament C Section

Last update 06.07.2024 18:48:52, Creator/Last Upload: Renè Pienaar (de Beer)

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Starting rank

1Matsioloko, Godisang14351706RSA1540
2Strauss, Luné14379813RSA1514
3Visi, Moloko14399563RSA1507
4Nkabinde, Lwazi14377004RSA1503
5Weng, Daniel14371715RSA1502
6Swanepoel, Leja14379503RSA1485
7Kgotse, Thoriso14399334RSA1476
8Seitei, Neo14379937RSA1476
9Nkwadi, Karabo14362414RSA1473
10Mkotong, Reagile14371650RSA1470
11Fragoso, Tshegofatso14364115RSA1443
12Matsioloko, Osego14362325RSA1431
13Tivane, Lebo14380145RSA1417
14Hlabati, Tshenolo14392755RSA1389
15Monaledi, Otsile14379902RSA1373
16Ndebele, Nkosentsha14355442RSA1362
17Mokoena, Oratilwe14333341RSA1300
18Magabane, MphoRSA0
19Selmi, FethiRSA0
20Sithole, KeitumetseRSA0
21Tswai, AbduljamiRSA0