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1st Sujendra Prasad Shrestha Memorial 50+Veteran Rapid Rating Chess Lumbini Province Championship

Last update 01.07.2024 14:37:51, Creator/Last Upload: Nepal Chess Association

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Starting rank

1B.K, Tirth Bahadur12301337NEP1874
2Gurung, Bijay12301370NEP1846
3Gurung, Mahesh12334758NEP1657
4Thapa, Jagatbahadur12301183NEP1653
5Napit, Kiran12331198NEP1514
6Budha, Dandi RamNEP0
7Budha, LaxmanNEP0
8Budha, SunilNEP0
9D.C., Dilip KumarNEP0
10Gyawali, Janak12334766NEP0
11K.C., Nep BahadurNEP0
12Oli, ShasidharNEP0
13Pun, Harka12337854NEP0
14Sharma, BasantaNEP0
15Shrestha, NabrajNEP0
16Shrestha, Ram Kumar12334936NEP0
17Thaiba, Badri PrasadNEP0
18Tharu, Dhadi Prasad12334995NEP0