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Torbay Chess Congress (56th) - Major U1950

Last update 10.11.2024 19:36:13, Creator/Last Upload: Tony Tatam

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Starting rank

1Baisynov, Islambek0KGZ1924Kyrgyzstan
2Collins, Chris M173309ENG1918Totnes
3Mills, Nathan0ENG1913
4Thomas, Mark277961WLS1912White Knights (Wales)
5Thynne, Trefor F120405ENG1904Newton Abbot
6Johnson, Richard J156417ENG1900Bristol Grendel
7Schofield, James310014ENG1895South Hams
8Martin, Jake346554ENG1875Plymouth
9Barton, R Alan106345ENG1873
10Waters, Andrew C103615ENG1868Rainham (Kent)
11Stinton-Brownbridge, Michael H157349ENG1859Plymouth
12Nyman, John CH116344ENG1854
13Wills, Jack344181ENG1852Newton Abbot
14Gosling, Brian GE111446ENG1846East Budleigh
15Body, Giles178338ENG1843Exeter
16Howard, Charles V113071ENG1824Totnes
17Graham, Oliver165422ENG1812Worksop
18Ayres, Jonathan R144539ENG1803Scarborough
19Ingham, H William173310ENG1790Teignmouth
20Tello, Yasser120211ENG1787
21McClatchey, Rob171911ENG1768Salisbury
22Main, Ollie350755ENG1757
23Georgiou, George149122ENG1755Swindon
24Lawrence, Spencer340737ENG1735Bath