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Frances Baard Grand Prix 1.0 Under 14 & Under 16

Last update 29.06.2024 17:51:32, Creator/Last Upload: Warren Ahjum

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Starting rank

1Van Rooyen, AndreRSA1557
2Wyl, Caleb ReatlegilRSA1507
3Mathamela, BokangRSA1404
4Mathamela, GolaotsweRSA1368
5Gabaikangwe, KutlwanoRSA1341
6Daniels, PeytonRSA1322
7Lebitso, Relebohile LekgRSA1302
8Alam, TahsenRSA1282
9Lengo, AmbroiseRSA1249
10Setlhare, BokaoRSA1216
11Chikosha, TadiwanasheRSA1206
12Kanjee, KhiyaanRSA1203
13Douw, TshiamoRSA1200
14Nikani, AthenkosiRSA1183
15Damons, JaydonRSA0