Educatie prin Sah - Program National al FR Sah acreditat de catre Ministerul Educatiei

Cupa Vicovu de Sus OPEN A (Educatie prin Sah) sportivi ELO < 2000 si varsta > 14 ani din judetul Suceava si cluburi partenere

Last update 27.07.2024 09:28:21, Creator/Last Upload: cornelmariusursan

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ListsStarting rank list, Alphabetical list of players, Federation-, Game- and Title-statistics, Time-table
Ranking crosstable after Round 6, Starting rank crosstable
Board PairingsRd.1, Rd.2, Rd.3, Rd.4, Rd.5, Rd.6/6 , not paired
Ranking list afterRd.1, Rd.2, Rd.3, Rd.4, Rd.5, Rd.6
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2. Round

Bo.No.NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtgNo.
11Ratiu, Cristian19951 1 - 01 Nistor, Eduard-Constantin159118
220Miron, Constantin15741 0 - 11 Sabarez, Iulian19692
324Botan, Andrei-Mirel15451 0 - 11 Costache, Andrei Eugeniu19244
45Dodoi, Matei-Teodor18921 1 - 01 Merla, Alexandru158319
56Sulschi, Gheorghe17631 1 - 01 Duduman, Augustin-Gabriel155822
640FCSfirnaciuc, Stefania9011 0 - 11 Timpau, Vasile17557
78IPopescu, Gheorghe V.17351 1 - 01 Manoila, Ruslana155623
844Capatina, Cezar Teodor01 0 - 11 Codru, Raul Cristian17219
910Ismail, Claudiu17161 1 - 01 Ardeleanu, Gabriel154225
1048Ivanov, Adrian01 1 - 01 Sfichi, Andrei169711
1112Trifan, Sebastian-Teodor16841 0 - 11 Suhan, Ciprian052
123Aioanei, Gheorghe1950½ 1 - 0½ FCGrigoras, Paul-Andrei70141
1314Miron, Nectarie1648½ 1 - 0½ Balan, Silvestru Radauti043
1416Guguta, Andrei1642½ 1 - 0½ Gruia, David-Andrei164415
1542Andrisoaie, Alexandru0½ ½ - ½½ Riciu, Ionut151029
1636IIApatachioae, Nicolae16130 ½ - ½0 Miron, Ioan164913
1737IVChetraru, Isabela-Stefania10460 0 - 10 Ursan, Radu-Matei163117
1838FCRoscaneanu, Sofia-Maria9010 0 - 10 Druta, Antonia Maria156321
1939FCSerediuc, Denis-Stefan9010 0 - 10 Ursan, Elena-Maria152527
2028Muha, Matei15190 1 - 00 Carstean, Virgil Vasile045
2130IITanase, Ilie-Alin15050 1 - 00 Isopescu, Gheorghe047
2246Colibaba, Lucian00 0 - 10 IIUrzica, Albert-Florin147231
2332Diaconu, Mihaita14670 0 - 10 Poleuca, Gheorghe049
2434Roman, Emanuel14400 ½ - ½0 Siretchi, Viorel Marius051
2550Sarghi, Cristi00 1 - 00 IIIBejenaru, Andreea-Miruna109735
2626Arhire, Lucian15261 0 not paired 
2733David, Damian Petru14480 1 not paired 
2853Nicolaescu, Gheorghe16470 0 not paired