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Outplay Summer Chess Tournament 2024

When : 06 July 2024 ( 3:00-6:00pm)
Where : Arabian Center Mall, Khawaneej Dubai.
Who : For Kids ages 5-20 ( U1800)

Entry is Limited to 25 players. Top Winners will be awarded Prizes.
Reg Fee : 100 AED ( 10% discount if register before july 1,2024)

For Registration : Contact 0507732619 (Call or whatsapp) or mail us at

Outplay Summer Chess Tournament 2024

Last update 06.07.2024 09:43:18, Creator/Last Upload: Outplay chess

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Starting rank

1Nimit Minu,KEN1542
2Tom Mathew,IND1485
3SI Rohit,IND1479
4Christina Sancia, SibiIND0
5Dheeya Karthik,IND0
6Harsh Agarwal,IND0