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Taça Nacional de Clubes Formadores - 2023/2024 - Grupo C (U10)

Last update 22.09.2024 20:05:24, Creator/Last Upload: Portuguese Chess Federation (Licence 22)

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Team-Composition without round-results

  10. XADREZNÓMICO C (RtgAvg:1400 / TB1: 12 / TB2: 0) Captain: Sebastião Martins
1ANJOS, Maurício Esparrenberger0BRA49665U1015
2MARTINS, Sebastião Pais da Silva0POR491911986180U1036
3NÉRY, Martim da Costa0POR48509U0825
4FERREIRA, André Salvador Bacalhau0POR47963U0836
5RAMALHEIRO, Simão da Silva0POR49287U0816