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Esfahan Chess Championship 1403 (Girl - U8)

Last update 01.07.2024 09:13:44, Creator/Last Upload: Iran Chess-Federation (Licence 75)

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Starting rank

1Abolfathi, BaranIRI0
2Alghaje, Helma42762944IRI0
3Asgari, SetayeshIRI0
4Babershams, VaniaIRI0
5Gooshi, RozhanIRI0
6Haj Sadeghi, Avina428024303IRI0
7Heydari, HelmaIRI0
8Mehrabi, ZhaneyaIRI0
9Rahnama, NikaIRI0
10Saboor, ElenaIRI0
11Shakeri Pour, Niloufar428049772IRI0