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Swieqi Open Blitz - June 24

Last update 15.06.2024 13:42:07, Creator/Last Upload: Malta Chess Federation

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Starting rank

1FMMueller, Reinhold24605875GER2248
2Yin, Stanley24622729GER1939
3Schock, Kai16217969GER1910
4Gatt, Matthias5601452MLT1849
5Zammit, Jacob5603471MLT1792
6ACMGhitza, Elena5603315MLT1775
7Ibrahim, Ayman5600596MLT1745
8Pucinskis, Mihails11628855LAT1714
9Kosik, Vince783846HUN1713
10Dobbin, Andrei5603862MLT1699
11Oral, Kaan Emre6335420TUR1603
12Oehme, Raphaele1622617AUT1578
13Refalo, John5605164MLT1561
14Spiteri, Julian5605369MLT1516
15Mallia, Thomas5602629MLT1465
16Bianchi, Max5605113MLT1416
17Azzopardi, Thomas5605679MLT0
18Borg, NikolMLT0
19Dalli Poole, Miles James5605148MLT0
20Demicoli, Jack5605156MLT0
21Portelli, Matthew5604931MLT0
22Sigona, Raffaele5604702MLT0
23Rovatti, Paolo808725ITA1784
24Borg Barthet, JacquesMLT0