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The last round starts on 14th June at 12.00!

UzChess Cup Futures 2024

Last update 14.06.2024 14:42:50, Creator/Last Upload: Uzbekistan Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

10GMDaneshvar, Bardiya12576468IRI2611
5GMSivuk, Vitaly14116502SWE2569
4GMBernadskiy, Vitaliy14100371UKR2563
6GMRasulov, Vugar13402390AZE2557
3GMTiviakov, Sergei1008013NED2552
1GMNikitenko, Mihail13506862BLR2525
9IMMadaminov, Mukhiddin14210703UZB2517
8IMSaydaliev, Saidakbar14203693UZB2448
2IMSuyarov, Mukhammadzokhid14210495UZB2430
7IMBegmuratov, Khumoyun14210207UZB2429