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Olympiad Training Tournament 13-17 June 2024, Balatonlelle

Last update 17.06.2024 11:50:43, Creator/Last Upload: Hungarian Chess-Federation licence 10

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Team-Composition with round-results

  1. International Team (RtgAvg:2511, TB1: 33,5 / TB2: 19)
1GMSamunenkov, Ihor2532UKR141870861111½½11119102412
2GMGumularz, Szymon2593POL11880621½1111½½½18102412
3GMBlohberger, Felix2527AUT163205111½11½½11½8102412
4GMJanik, Igor2511POL11592591110½0110½6102412
5FMJakab, Bela2390SVK149331280½0½01½0002,5102412
  2. Hungary U25 (RtgAvg:2412, Captain: Gonda, Laszlo / TB1: 16,5 / TB2: 1)
1IMKaracsonyi, Gellert2391HUN7646200½½11½½0116102511
2IMKrstulovic, Alex2446HUN760056000½½0½0102,5102511
3IMPasti, Aron2402HUN78585700100½01002,5102511
4FMPasztor, Balazs2410HUN7747230½0001½0½½3102511
5IMVanczak, Tamas2411HUN7599291000½00½0½2,5102511