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Last update 01.06.2024 12:33:22, Creator/Last Upload: Tallinn Chess Club;

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1Cernadas-Fullu, Manuel ValentinEST0MA Vabaettur
2Guin, Marcus NeilEST0MK Areng
3Kottisse, MatildaEST0Gustav Adolfi Gümnaasium
4Meesak, MartinEST0Gustav Adolfi Gümn
5Mostovštšikov, AlekseiEST0MK Areng
6Olonen, Ervin MaximilianEST0MK Areng
7Puchnina, VeonaEST0MK Kaksikodad
8Samoylenko, MakarEST0MK Areng
9Tkatšenko, DaniilEST0- - -
10Udalov, Vladimir4527992EST0Vabaettur