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J8 Instituto Rougier PRIMARIA ALTA

Last update 01.06.2024 04:16:13, Creator/Last Upload: Pablo Renan Escobar de León

Starting rank list of players

1Lichtenberg Mateo, HuertaMEX1465Veracruz
2Luis Angel, CapitanachiMEX0Instituto Rougier
3Raúl Sergio, Chávez JassoMEX0Cristóbal Colón/Chaturanga
4Santiago, Meixueiro ValentínMEX0Green Oaks
5Ezequiel, Meza LopezMEX0Peón de Dama
6Ángel Gael, Valdes VasquezMEX0La Salle Veracruz