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Pion Campion Iunie 2024

Last update 08.06.2024 14:06:25, Creator/Last Upload: idbadau

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Final Ranking after 7 Rounds

Rk.SNoNameTypsexFEDRtgClub/CityPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
12IMVasiesiu, DanS50ROU2392CS Juvenes Tg Mureș6,531,528,7527
24Yarmolenko, RomanU20ROU1917CS Juvenes Tg Mureș63124,5024
31IMBaratosi, DanielROU2392AC de Șah Alfil Pitești5,531,522,2522
46Velcherean, Vasile-AdrianROU1887CS Juvenes Tg Mureș4,53117,2520
58Donici-Maier, DavidU20ROU1793CSS Tg Mureș4,52915,5018,5
613Pascanu, VasileS50FRA1683Nelegitimat - Tg Mureș4,52511,0018
75Duma, Ioan-GheorgheROU1896CS Juvenes Tg Mureș4,522,512,7515
812Filep, AttilaROU1719CS Juvenes Tg Mureș43012,0022
93Chibelean, Calin-NicolaeROU1936CS Juvenes Tg Mureș427,514,5017,5
1011Kedves, LorandROU1731AC de Șah Cavalerul Sf Gheorghe3,528,511,7518
1115Pozna Tokos, BenceU20ROU1636CS Juvenes Tg Mureș3,52810,7514,5
129Tatar, Marius LucianU20ROU1767CSS Tg Mureș3,52610,2516
1317Cristurean, Andreea-NuriaU20wROU1521LPS Satu Mare3,525,59,5012
1410Flora, AndreiU20ROU1742CSS Tg Mureș3,52511,2514,5
157Radu, GheorgheS65ROU1810CS Juvenes Tg Mureș3,52510,0013,5
1619Enache, Vlad-AlexandruU20ROU1496CS Juvenes Tg Mureș3,5238,7514
1716Cristurean, Noelia-AlexandraU20wROU1600LPS Satu Mare324,59,0012
1822Szocs, FranciscS50ROU1441CS Juvenes Tg Mureș321,58,009,5
1918Serban, StefanU20ROU1518CS Juvenes Tg Mureș318,54,509
2021Donici-Maier, LucaU20ROU1452CSS Tg Mureș318,54,009
2123Kardos, Almos-JanosROU1001CS Juvenes Tg Mureș316,54,009
2224Balla, NorbertU20ROU1001CS Juvenes Tg Mureș2,5194,259,5
2320Olariu-Chilut, SofiaU20wROU1475CSS Tg Mureș2,518,53,2510
2414Chereches, Marius-CalinS50ROU1674CS Juvenes Tg Mureș1,5231,256,5
2526Burcsa, AntonROU1000Nelegitimat - Reghin1190,003
2625Szekely, AttilaROU1001CS Juvenes Tg Mureș0180,000

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break2: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable
Tie Break3: Fide Tie-Break