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11th Inter School Chess Championship 2024 Primary Section

Last update 02.07.2024 10:46:07, Creator/Last Upload: mizoramchess

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Starting rank

1Abednego, LalrinnghetaJ.0Holy Cross School, Thuampui
2Agnes, LalhmangaihzualiPC0St Andrew's School, Luangmual
3Alfred, MalsawmsangaSam0Holy Cross School, Thuampui
4Anthony, LalmuanpuiaSte0Mary Mount School
5Augustine, LalremruataSuk0Holy Cross School, Thuampui
6Austin, LalbiakkimaIND0Reiek Primary School-I
7Beasly, C. LalruatdikaC.0Holy Cross School, Thuampui
8Benedict, LalnunhluaDom0St Andrew's School, Luangmual
9Benjamin, VanlalpekaZot0Rosebud School
10C., LalrinawmaC.0Reiek Primary School-I
11C., VanlalremruataC.0Rosebud School
12Calvin, LalkrawschhuangaRob0Mary Mount School
13Christopher, LalrindikaTla0Rosebud School
14Damian, NgurchhuansangaRam0Holy Cross School, Thuampui
15Elizabeth, LalduhsangiSan0Holy Cross School, Thuampui
16Ezra, C LalchhanchhuahaLal0Holy Cross School, Thuampui
17Francis, VanlalmalsawmaJ L0St Andrew's School, Luangmual
18Graham, LalrintluangaLal0Southgate School, Venghnuai
19Gregory, VanlalruatsangaPet0Cls Academy
20Harper, LalthlamuaniJos0Cls Academy
21Iska, H LalpekhluaLal0Reiek Primary School-I
22Javolsie, VanlalhriatrengaLal0Reiek Primary School-I
23Jeremy, LalrintlakaVan0Rosebud School
24Jerry, LalpianhluaVar0Reiek Primary School-I
25Joan, MuanpuiiLaw0Mary Mount School
26ex, RemruatfelaPet0Cls Academy
27Vedansh, BamolaPet0Siamliana School
28Jonathan,Bia0Kids Care
29Jordan, LalrinzualaLal0Cls Academy
30Joseph, Vanlalmuan ZoteDou0St Andrew's School, Luangmual
31Lalchuailova,Lal0Reiek Primary School-I
32Lalhriatpuia,Ram0Southgate School, Venghnuai
33Lalrempuia,Hmi0Reiek Primary School-I
34Lalremruata,Lal0Reiek Primary School-I
35Lalrinchhana,H L0Kids Care
36Lalrinchhungi, TochhawngLal0Southgate School, Venghnuai
37Lalruathlui,Rem0Southgate School, Venghnuai
38Laltlanhlua, ChongthuLal0Mt Carmel
39Mario, MalsawmtluangaZai0Jc Elementary School
40Philip, LalnuntluangaDom0St Andrew's School, Luangmual
41Philip, MuanawmaLaw0Mary Mount School
42Pl, VanlalrinawmaPL0English Congregation School
43R., LalvenhimaLal0Mt Carmel
44Rosangzela, PautuLal0Holy Cross School, Thuampui
45Samuel, LallawmsangaIsa0Rosebud School
46Samuel, Lallawmsanga RalteLal0Rosebud School
47Simon, LalmuanpuiaLal0Mt Carmel
48Sr, LallawmsangaDav0English Congregation School
49Stephen, D LianhmingpuiaLal0Kids Care
50Thomas, KapvumthumSes0Rosebud School
51Vanlalhriati,Lal0Mary Mount School
52Vanlalhruaia,Lal0Mary Mount School
53Vanlalpekhlua,MS0Rosebud School
54Vanlalpekhlui,Lal0Holy Cross School, Thuampui
55ex, ZonunsangaIND0Siamliana Memorial School
56William, LalrinnghetaSte0Mary Mount School
57Zohmingsanga,Lal0Neuhof English Medium School
58Zonunmawia,Lal0Reiek Primary School-I
59Zonuntluanga,Lal0Gcs, Durtlang