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National Championship 2024

Last update 13.06.2024 20:32:58, Creator/Last Upload: SAMUEL BARAKAT


Round 1 on 2024/06/01 at 09:00
112049CMKhan, Taffin½ - ½Lee, Ethan173310
291794Couchman, Kyle1 - 0FMDrayton, Anthony19762
331720Dasilva, Justino Manuelo John1 - 0Nathoo, Loris17588
471701Pitamber, Sachin Dhilan½ - ½Neto, Roberto18154
551818CMGreenidge, Ronuel½ - ½Sandiford, Keron17376
Round 2 on 2024/06/01 at 14:00
191794Couchman, Kyle0 - 1CMKhan, Taffin20491
281758Nathoo, Loris1 - 0Lee, Ethan173310
321976FMDrayton, Anthony1 - 0Pitamber, Sachin Dhilan17017
461737Sandiford, Keron1 - 0Dasilva, Justino Manuelo John17203
541815Neto, Roberto0 - 1CMGreenidge, Ronuel18185
Round 3 on 2024/06/02 at 09:00
112049CMKhan, Taffin1 - 0Nathoo, Loris17588
271701Pitamber, Sachin Dhilan½ - ½Couchman, Kyle17949
3101733Lee, Ethan0 - 1Sandiford, Keron17376
451818CMGreenidge, Ronuel½ - ½FMDrayton, Anthony19762
531720Dasilva, Justino Manuelo John½ - ½Neto, Roberto18154
Round 4 on 2024/06/02 at 14:00
171701Pitamber, Sachin Dhilan0 - 1CMKhan, Taffin20491
261737Sandiford, Keron0 - 1Nathoo, Loris17588
391794Couchman, Kyle½ - ½CMGreenidge, Ronuel18185
441815Neto, Roberto½ - ½Lee, Ethan173310
521976FMDrayton, Anthony1 - 0Dasilva, Justino Manuelo John17203
Round 5 on 2024/06/07 at 17:30
112049CMKhan, Taffin1 - 0Sandiford, Keron17376
251818CMGreenidge, Ronuel0 - 1Pitamber, Sachin Dhilan17017
381758Nathoo, Loris½ - ½Neto, Roberto18154
431720Dasilva, Justino Manuelo John0 - 1Couchman, Kyle17949
5101733Lee, Ethan0 - 1FMDrayton, Anthony19762
Round 6 on 2024/06/08 at 09:00
151818CMGreenidge, Ronuel0 - 1CMKhan, Taffin20491
241815Neto, Roberto0 - 1Sandiford, Keron17376
371701Pitamber, Sachin Dhilan1 - 0Dasilva, Justino Manuelo John17203
421976FMDrayton, Anthony1 - 0Nathoo, Loris17588
591794Couchman, Kyle0 - 1Lee, Ethan173310
Round 7 on 2024/06/08 at 14:00
112049CMKhan, Taffin+ - -Neto, Roberto18154
231720Dasilva, Justino Manuelo John0 - 1CMGreenidge, Ronuel18185
361737Sandiford, Keron½ - ½FMDrayton, Anthony19762
4101733Lee, Ethan½ - ½Pitamber, Sachin Dhilan17017
581758Nathoo, Loris½ - ½Couchman, Kyle17949
Round 8 on 2024/06/09 at 09:00
131720Dasilva, Justino Manuelo John- - +CMKhan, Taffin20491
221976FMDrayton, Anthony1 - 0Neto, Roberto18154
351818CMGreenidge, Ronuel1 - 0Lee, Ethan173310
491794Couchman, Kyle½ - ½Sandiford, Keron17376
571701Pitamber, Sachin Dhilan1 - 0Nathoo, Loris17588
Round 9 on 2024/06/09 at 14:00
112049CMKhan, Taffin1 - 0FMDrayton, Anthony19762
2101733Lee, Ethan+ - -Dasilva, Justino Manuelo John17203
341815Neto, Roberto1 - 0Couchman, Kyle17949
481758Nathoo, Loris1 - 0CMGreenidge, Ronuel18185
561737Sandiford, Keron0 - 1Pitamber, Sachin Dhilan17017