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54th Cotswold Congress Open

Last update 27.05.2024 20:31:54, Creator/Last Upload: ChrisLamming

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Final Ranking after 6 Rounds

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgClub/City TB1 
13Spence, David JENG2160Suffolk Cca5
5Brown, ThomasWLS21205
312Ashworth, Michael JENG1997Wotton Hall4,5
22ACMZhao, GeorgeENG1926Barnet Knights4,5
52CMBullen, AlexWLS21864ncl West Is Best4
6Robson, Ian AENG2087Wotton Hall4
8Honey, LukeENG2029Exeter4
24Dicen, Elis DeneleENG1919Coventry Chess Academy4
26Jakhria, KushalENG1909Charlton4
31Evans, Ruben NangaliaENG1866Linton4
33Vaidyanathan, AdithyaENG1864South Birmingham4
124FMKett, Timothy JWLS21494ncl West Is Best3,5
7Ogunshola, Olugbemiga (Ben)NGR2042Camberley3,5
10Jenkins, JohnENG2002Stroud3,5
13Murawski, JanENG1987Oxfordshire Juniors3,5
14Tapp, JamesENG1987Lewisham3,5
15ACMLishoy Gengis Paratazham, DildaravENG1986Surrey Juniors3,5
18Hill, AndyENG1956Horfield & Redland3,5
19Baer, Bruce LENG1952Mutual Circle3,5
21Davis, LeeWLS1948Malvern3,5
211FMDong, Bao NghiaVIE2285Battersea3
9Dilleigh, Stephen PENG2003Horfield & Redland3
16Roberts, David LENG1977Bracknell3
17Bolt, GrahamENG1965Exeter3
20Freeman, Richard CpENG1951Cheltenham (Glo)3
23Han, QixiangENG1925Kent Juniors3
29Wastney, DylanENG1873Reading3
37Moldovan, Alexandru-MiticENG1829Wotton Hall3
38Norris, ZackENG1827Wotton Hall3
43Sung, JaehyunCAN1810Coventry *3
45Pradhan, AbhishekIND1785Farnham3
3225De Piro, Tristram DpSCO1912Cheltenham (Glo)2,5
32Wagner, GuyWLS18654ncl Rhyfelwyr Essyllwg2,5
36Obi, Okwose MarcENG1839Sutton Coldfield2,5
42Ashworth, Robert MENG1813Wotton Hall2,5
44Ding, YiwenENG1806Kent Junior Congresses2,5
48Frost, RobertIRL17482,5
51Shivakumar, AkshathENG1709Solihull2,5
3911Morris, Gareth LWLS1999Bristol & Clifton2
34Hammond, MatthewENG1862Gloucester2
39Llewellyn, Julian DENG1825Muswell Hill2
41Pyun, LindsayENG1825Leicestershire Juniors2
47Han, QixuanENG1759Kent Juniors2
50Lappin, BenjaminENG1731Gloucester2
4527Stinton-Brownbridge, Michael HENG1887Plymouth1,5
30Clarke, Ian JENG1867Malvern1,5
35George, Richard MENG1855Cirencester1,5
46Holmes, Matthew AENG1770Witney1,5
49AFMMckenna, JoshuaWLS1732Cardiff1,5
5028Pink, JoshuaENG1886Stockport1
40Pradhan, AyanENG1825Surrey Kings1
52Spirling, FlorenceENG1604Purbeck1

Tie Break1: points (game-points)