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Wimbledon Junior Rapid 202409 U8-U12

Last update 14.09.2024 18:09:52, Creator/Last Upload: ukchessacademy

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Starting rank

1Sengupta, Aditya Vikram347035ENG1518U12
2Pathmaseelan, William0ENG941U8
3Chanana, Seyaan366098ENG882U8
4Prabhagar, Sudarsan365800ENG840U8
5Bhaduri, Aviraj368578ENG757U8
6Andersen Zargham, Ellene354030ENG599wU10
7Zhang, Boyun367082ENG425U8
8Auffarth, Nicholas0ENG0U8
9Loizou, Lamros0ENG0U12
10Roy, Neel370088ENG0U10
11Strong, Oliver0ENG0U10