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Siyavuma Primary Open u9 Infant champs

Last update 19.05.2024 17:05:35, Creator/Last Upload: Israel Tshabadira

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Starting rank

1Mbila, Ntando1313
2Msibi, Unathi1293
3Malapane, Dimpho1249
4Mashaba, Ntokozo1244
5Nxumalo, Sphesihle1236
6Nzuza, Olwakhe Ziyanda1215
7Zwane, Wandile1206
8Mtshali, Bandile1199
9Nkosi, Precious Siphes1196
10Simayile, Emihle1190
11Dladla, Lusanda1186
12Dlamini, Sanelisiwe0
13Dlamini, Zanokuhle0
14Khumalo, Hloniphani0
15Masango, Nkosimphile0
16MKhize, Nompilo0
17mtabela, Manqoba0
18ntumba, Nonjabulo0
19Radebe, Xolani0
20Seabe, Buhlebendalo0
21SEabe, Samkelisiwe0
22Sibisi, Smangele1187
23Sithole, Kwanele0
24Thela, Samkelo1198