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Ekurhuleni North School Chess- High School U15 Girls Individuals

Last update 24.05.2024 17:23:50, Creator/Last Upload: Sanet Maritz

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Starting rank

1Lovett, SaffronRSA1490
2Sebogoane, ThorisoRSA1487
3Monteiro Correia, MayaRSA1431
4Bothma, JaculeneRSA1430
5De Vasconcelos, TiaanaRSA1416
6Kok, PhumiRSA1316
7Ntuli, ReamogetseRSA1291
8Huebsch, JessicaRSA1278
9Marais, JanikeRSA1276
10Masinge, NyeletiRSA1264
11Labuschagne, MelindieRSA1222
12Nel, ZonikaRSA1220
13Baker, GerranRSA1217
14Schoeman, Katelyn JadeRSA1212
15Mphahlele, MelitaRSA1207
16Wasserman, KayleighRSA1207
17Ntshangase, Samkelisiwe MonRSA1201
18Hadjidimitriadis, ZoiRSA1199
19Tift, MadisonRSA1199
20Priest-Zumerle, KizkaRSA1198
21Vermeulen, ImeRSA1198
22Strydom, LeandriRSA1196
23Van Niekerk, KaylinRSA1194
24Lebethe, NonofangRSA1179
25Masogo, Mogau RaesibeRSA1179
26Manamela, HamisaRSA1164
27Morasa, BoitumeloRSA1125
28Zungu, AmahleRSA1061
29Charles, FaridaRSA0
30Dambuza, SimankeleRSA0
31Kgatliso, MolebaleRSA0
32Maja, BokangRSA0
33Matekenya, QycinqleighterRSA0
34Mocumi, ItumelengRSA0
35Mokoena, AmahleRSA0
36Mthethwa, NonhleRSA0
37Rammutla, LEbogangRSA0
38Rampfumedzi, LinaRSA0
39Tsehaye, IlhamRSA0
40Zwoitaho, MushavelaRSA0
41Mabilo, NdibhowoRSA1242