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Swieqi Open Rapid - May 2024

Last update 25.05.2024 13:33:14, Creator/Last Upload: Malta Chess Federation

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Starting rank

1CMPace, Colin5600189MLT2127
2Pala, Onurcan6363318MLT1849
3Lukin, Vladimir55607900MLT1842
4Fong, Kenny3260097AUS1829
5CMThake, Conrad5602947MLT1827
6Portelli, Matthew5604931MLT1827
7Padron Gonzalez, Alexander Ariel5605555MLT1765
8Ibrahim, Ayman5600596MLT1761
9Alfo`, Diego Christian23417935ITA1760
10Stagno, Milena5602289MLT1755
11Dobbin, Andrei5603862MLT1746
12Kosik, Vince783846HUN1665
13Zangrilli, Leonardo5603080MLT1604
14Gusarov, Mark Mikhail5604311MLT1523
15Oral, Kaan Emre6335420TUR1520
16Ahmad Costa, Miguel5604834MLT1502
17Pace, Dante5604206MLT1499
18Busuttil Naudi, Stephen5602980MLT1465
19Chircop, Jerome Anthony5605121MLT1448
20Reyansh, Keshav5604109MLT0
21Willamowius, Lukas34616241GER0