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Wimbledon Rapidplay 202407 Open

Last update 06.07.2024 18:31:25, Creator/Last Upload: ukchessacademy

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Round 5 on 2024/07/06 at 17:00

Bo.No.NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtgNo.
13Han, Qixiang1859 1 - 0 GMCherniaev, Alexander23001
22IMLarge, Peter G21843 1 - 03 Han, Qixuan17815
34Soulier, Alfred1806 1 - 0 Devalia, Aadishesh16658
46Agbaje, Samzu.O.H.17742 0 - 12 De Lange, Elijah16877
59Matvieiev, Mykhaylo16231 1 - 02 Demarcus, Cedric015
616Karwowski, Patryk0½ 0 - 1 Dharan, Arjun Aditya153612
714Bassoy, Ediz0½ 1 - 01 Mistry, Jaden160110
811Qiu, Winston1588 0 not paired 
913Qiu, Yong15221 0 not paired