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Frome Chess Congress 2024 - Open

Last update 24.05.2024 12:27:25, Creator/Last Upload: ChrisLamming

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Round 5 on 2024/05/19 at 1500

Bo.No.NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtgNo.
12IMHorton, Andrew23704 ½ - ½ AGMMatlak, Oleksandr21644
26FMWebb, Richard2139 ½ - ½3 IMMurphy, Conor24771
38Stubbs, Oliver21213 ½ - ½3 Pang, Ethan198522
425Underwood, Jonathan19803 ½ - ½3 Verma, Shlok207011
515Ogunshola, Olugbemiga (ben)20423 0 - 13 WFMRichmond, Jane206412
620Ashworth, Michael1997 0 - 1 Boswell, Jacob22523
724Coffey, Anthony1980 ½ - ½ FMKett, Timothy21495
837Hertog, Alexander1888 0 - 1 FMMartin, Lewis20779
934Yu, Rock1910 ½ - ½ Franco, Gaston206013
1018Davis, Colin20322 1 - 0 May, Adam189936
1130Davis, Lee19482 0 - 12 Cave, Iwan202119
1223Alldritt, Nigel19832 1 - 02 Hill, Andy195629
1331Bourne, Johnathan19322 ½ - ½2 Mcdougall, William197826
1445Ashworth, Robert1813 1 - 0 CMThurlow, Kevin204216
1547Marsden, Rupert1786 0 - 1 Collyer, David197527
1628Purdon, Colin1964 1 - 0 Sefton, Adam179146
1741Evans, Harry1825 1 - 0 Ganguly, Aryaman170952
1848Smith, David1776 1 - 0 Pradhan, Ayan182542
1951Tarrant-edwards, Philip1723 1 - 0 Morrison, Joseph182443
2049Sturt, Charles17551 0 - 11 Waterfield, John191833
2135AFMMiller, George19051 ½ - ½1 Mcghee, David182144
2253Spirling, Florence16041 ½ - ½1 Callow, Chris186439
2338Henricson, Max18690 1 - 0½ AFMMckenna, Joshua173250
247Crickmore, Neil21390 0 not paired 
2510Krzyzanowski, Patryk20711 0 not paired 
2614Girdlestone, Paul2059 0 not paired 
2717AIMChua, Sebastien2038 0 not paired 
2821Pleasants, Allan1995 0 not paired 
2932ACMZhao, George1926 0 not paired 
3040Ward, Cian18432 0 not paired