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Sah klub VELEMAJSTOR Apatin / Turnir za osvajanje III kategorije

Last update 19.05.2024 18:43:16, Creator/Last Upload: Sahovski Savez Vojvodine

Starting rank list of players

4Borojević, AleksaSRB0
5Dmitrović, OgnjenSRB0
8Jelić, MatejSRB0
1Kovčin, AleksandarSRB0
7Kukić, JovanSRB0
6Milošević, FilipSRB0
10Piljek, NikolaSRB0
12Radišić, RastkoSRB0
3Ševarac, AleksandarSRB0
11Stanić, NikolaSRB0
9Vukićević, BranislavSRB0
2Vulić, LazarSRB0