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"O pohár Račkovej doliny 2024"

Posledná aktualizácia 03.08.2024 16:30:10, Creator/Last Upload: Slovak Chess Federation license 64

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Štartová listina

1Beres, Dominik14905230SVK2020
2Pales, Dusan14906244SVK1939
3Danko, Dusan14915570SVK1854
4Kosorin, Frantisek14978091SVK1785
5Gregus, Vladimir14958376SVK1741
6Gregus, Milan14953692SVK1727
7Safek, Martin14985624SVK1676
8Bojda, Frantisek14920417SVK1650
9Slovak, Tomas14976331SVK1595
10Droppa, Kristian14980126SVK1552
11Ostrozlik, Filip14971674SVK1546
12Holka, Lukas14980134SVK1545
13Buday, Alexander14971666SVK1538
14Siska, Samuel14981394SVK1469
15Slovakova, Daniela14989468SVK1071
16Siskova, Alexandra14988801SVK1065
17Lazur, Richard14987058SVK1037
18Beres, Pavol14978016SVK1000
19Droppa, PavolSVK1000
20Fridrich, Michal14994160SVK1000
21Chernetchenko, Makar14994127SVK1000
22Chernetchenko, Timofii14994135SVK1000
23Kohn, Alexander WladimirSVK1000
24Marecek, Lukas14984130SVK1000
25Novotna, Lilien14989514SVK1000
26Ostrozlikova, Sara14978970SVK1000
27Presinsky, Matej14976714SVK1000
28Slivkanic, Matus14983354SVK1000
29Slivkanič, ĽubošSVK1000
30Šrank, OliverSVK1000
31Trandzik, Samuel14989140SVK1000
32Liska, JakubSVK1000