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JMC Crawford International Sandton - A Section

Last update 11.05.2024 19:04:52, Creator/Last Upload: Cathy Shaw

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Starting rank

1FMMhango, BaneleRSA2263
2IMMabusela, JohannesRSA2219
3CMKhumalo, KeithRSA2206
4Mnguni, JakobRSA2196
5IMOatlhotse, ProvidenceRSA2193
6CMMazibuko, KhanyaRSA2126
7Makhosonke, KuhlaseRSA1950
8Felix, RaphaelRSA1877
9Coetsee, DewaldRSA1808
10Nsibande, BonisaniRSA1758
11Jacobs, Calvin NicholasRSA1733
12Menyatsoe, BoitshokoRSA1676
13Deysel, KalebRSA1671
14Mokwena, KoleRSA1667
15Snyckers, AdamRSA1659
16Naidoo, KirthanRSA1610
17Chikwava, RonaldRSA1609
18Mungal, EthanRSA1604