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Isle of Man Weekend Tournament 2024

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony05.05.2024 19:08:23, Creator/Last Upload: IOM Chess

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1Wu, Li411086IOM2298Isle Of Man
2Fabri, Henrik403270IOM1970Isle Of Man
3AFMSipos, Silvester444260IOM1962Isle Of Man
4Ormsby, Alan403407IOM1916Isle Of Man
5Gumireddy, Sanjay Savio448885IOM1913Isle Of Man
6Towers, Brian2808617IOM1841South Shields
7Thoday, Francis448915IOM1811Isle Of Man
8Miah, Zahed448940IOM1807Isle Of Man
9Cross, Glenn448907IOM1763Isle Of Man
10Smith, Paul418218IOM1689Isle Of Man
11Cross, Kyle496235IOM1543Isle Of Man
12Watkinson, Colin235000023IOM1504Isle Of Man
13Jackson, Antony449008IOM1468Isle Of Man
14Dunkley, David235000031IOM1356Isle Of Man
15Woodard, Brian Robert448923IOM1711Isle Of Man