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2024 Malahide Millennium Tournament - Junior (Incorporating the 2024 Leinster Championships - Junior)

Last update 06.05.2024 20:48:24, Creator/Last Upload: MalahideCC

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Final Ranking crosstable after 6 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Biswal Saiansh1490IRL 15b1 20w1 9b1 6b1 5w1 2w½5,515,523,520,5
2Moore Fiachra1021IRL 34w1 8b½ 4w1 16b1 6w1 1b½515,522,518
3Pentony Liam862IRL 10b1 35w1 6w0 19b1 8w1 7b151420,517
4Reilly Charlie746IRL 22b1 7w½ 2b0 32w1 14b1 12w14,513,52014,5
5Carreira Diego998IRL 38b1 36w1 14w1 1b0 11b14,513,519,517
6Huang Kevin1516IRL 30b1 12w1 3b1 1w0 2b0 15w1416,524,516
7McMahon Conor1481IRL 29w1 4b½ 17w1 18b1 3w0414,521,516
8Greenan David653IRL 32b1 2w½ 15w1 3b0 18w1414,52114,5
9O'Neill Sean Conor818IRL 27w1 11b1 1w0 18b0 28w1 19b141118,514
10Jayavarapu Rohan0IRL 3w0 25b0 37w1 36b+ 21b1 20w1410,516,510
11Prakash Abhinav0IRL 24b1 9w0 20b1 12w½ 17b1 5w03,513,520,513,5
12Fang Yiming691IRL 28w1 6b0 27w1 11b½ 16w1 4b03,512,51913,5
13Pateman Ben1160IRL 31b1 14w½ 16b0 17w0 25b1 24w13,5111611,5
14Duppalapudi Shreyansh348IRL 18w1 13b½ 23w1 5b0 4w0 17b½31421,513
15Bodicherla Rambob Yoges1502IRL 1w0 28b1 21w1 8b0 23w1 6b031421,511
16Fitzpatrick Paul970IRL 19w1 17b½ 13w1 2w0 12b0 22b½31320,513
17Kumar Adhvik517IRL 33b1 16w½ 7b0 13b1 11w0 14w½3131912
18Zalli Amirsad0IRL 14b0 38w1 31b1 9w1 7w0 8b031317,512
19Foley Michael0IRL 16b0 33w1 36b+ 3w0 24b1 9w03121911
20Tuite Max481IRL 37w1 1b0 11w0 22b1 27w1 10b031218,511
21Sharpe Jamie0IRL 23w½ 15b0 26b1 10w0 29b1311,5179,5
22Martin Seamus0IRL 4w0 29b1 24b½ 20w0 32b1 16w½310,516,59,5
23Brearley Thierry1508IRL 26w½ 21b½ 14b0 33w1 15b0 27w1310,515,59,5
24Collins Brendan647IRL 11w0 26b1 22w½ 25b1 19w0 13b02,511,517,510
25McCullen Carl352IRL 36b0 10w1 32b½ 24w0 13w0 28b12,511168
26Bermingham Erica0IRL 23b½ 24w0 30b0 21w0 34b1 32w12,59,5146
27Keogh Senan0IRL 9b0 30w1 12b0 31w1 20b0 23b0212188
28Pateman Amber0IRL 12b0 15w0 38b1 30w1 9b0 25w0211,5167
29Caneira Rui0IRL 7b0 22w0 33b0 34w1 31b1 21w021015,55
30Putar Lorena266IRL 6w0 27b0 26w1 28b0 37w1 -029,514,56
31Carroll Mark0IRL 13w0 37b1 18w0 27b0 29w0 38b128126
32Pateman Gray0IRL 8w0 34b1 25w½ 4b0 22w0 26b01,512187
33Ragonesi-Browne Edward0IRL 17w0 19b0 29w1 23b0 -01,510155
34Coogan Oran0IRL 2b0 32w0 29b0 26w0 37w11,58143
35Zalli Isuf0IRL -1 3b0 -0 -0 -0 -0111,518,56
36Zak Tal0IRL 25w1 5b0 19w- 10w- -0 -0111,5186
37Redmond Eoin0IRL 20b0 31w0 10b0 38w1 30b0 34b019133
38Flynn Jason0IRL 5w0 18b0 28w0 37b0 -1 31w018132

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Fide Tie-Break