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Torneo ACA Dominicana 2024 Sub 14

Last update 19.05.2024 14:51:46, Creator/Last Upload: Leonardo Estévez

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Starting rank list

1Polanco Fernandez, Sahiean6425240DOM1886AAS
2Reynoso Almonte, Emir6435041DOM1783AAS
3Abreu Garcia, Jasniel AntonioDOM0Oratorio Centro Juvenil Don Bosco
4Aquino Nunez, Isabella Marie6432999DOM0AAS
5Baez Duran, ReilyDOM0Oratorio Centro Juvenil Don Bosco
6Cabrera, Hendryck6437125DOM0CISAMA
7Cabrera, Jesus6437168DOM0Club de Ajedrez FE
8De La Cruz, heisenDOM0
9De La Cruz Reyes, JonJairo6437133DOM0CISAMA
10De Leon, Diosmary6433510DOM0
11Diaz, Daynalee6437214DOM0Club de Ajedrez FE
12Fernandez, KenedyDOM0
13Goris Polanco, Jean Luis6437109DOM0CISAMA
14Lantigua, LuisDOM0
15Perez, MatthewsDOM0Centro Educativo Nuestra Señora de
16Reyes, Francisco6437117DOM0CISAMA