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4th Cornwall Spring Congress Minor

Last update 05.05.2024 18:51:48, Creator/Last Upload: Bude Chess

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Final Ranking crosstable after 5 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd TB1 
1Holland Mac1574ENG 12w½ 15b1 7w1 3b14
Lopez Tony1349ENG 13w0 8b1 14b1 6w1 12b14
3Blencowe Ian P1544ENG 7b1 15w1 16w1 5b½ 1w03,5
Middleton Keith1518ENG 11w1 16b0 19b1 12w1 5w½3,5
Spargo Philip J1459ENG 17w1 9b1 3w½ 4b½3,5
6Lipinsky Ferdinand1430GER 16b- 11b1 10w1 2b0 9w13
Russell Lloyd1343ENG 3w0 18b1 17w1 1b0 16w13
Barnett Ben1314ENG 9b0 2w0 -1 15w1 14b13
9Maber Martyn J1485ENG 8w1 13b½ 5w0 16b1 6b02,5
Gardiner Colin J1350ENG 17b½ 14w½ 6b0 19w1 11b½2,5
Brown Hugh1337ENG 4b0 6w0 18w1 17b1 10w½2,5
Bramley Douglas1325ENG 18w1 1b½ 13w1 4b0 2w02,5
Talab Kamar1101ENG 2b1 9w½ 12b0 14w0 19b12,5
14Ghose Azhar1373ENG 10b½ 2w0 13b1 8w02
Liggatt Clive1367ENG 19w1 3b0 1w0 8b0 18b12
Anjari Taher1300ENG 6w+ 4w1 3b0 9w0 7b02
17Bennett Francesca1061ENG 10w½ 5b0 7b0 11w0 -11,5
18Foss Michael P1489ENG 12b0 7w0 11b0 -1 15w01
Welch Hazel1212ENG 15b0 -1 4w0 10b0 13w01

Tie Break1: points (game-points)