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Eliminatorias Departamentales Boaco-Juvenil Femenino

Last update 01.05.2024 09:07:44, Creator/Last Upload: Carlos Maury Escalante

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Starting rank

1Angulo Martinez, Jenely JoeyNCA0Santa Lucia
2Arroliga Aragón, Steffany LujanNCA0Camoapa
3Centeno Jarquìn, Mireysi VanessaNCA0Santa Lucia
4Duarte Sanchez, Aryeira RithalyNCA0Boaco
5Gomez Ocon, Carelis MarinaNCA0San Lorenzo
6Granado Urbina, Jahoska NohemyNCA0Santa Lucia
7Guzmán, Rosa GabrielaNCA0Camoapa
8Hernandez Tellez, Rosa ElizabethNCA0Boaco
9Jiron Mejia, Jahoska del CarmenNCA0Boaco
10Lozano Angulo, Camila AlexandraNCA0Boaco
11Mendoza Mendoza, Francys LeydaniaNCA0Santa Lucia
12Morales Alvarez, Jailine ZeneydaNCA0San Lorenzo
13Noguera Gomez, Emily NicoleNCA0San Lorenzo
14pineda Sobalvarro, RazziellaNCA0Boaco
15Rodríguez González, Meling VanessaNCA0Camoapa
16Treminio Garcia, Josmari JacintaNCA0Teustepe
17Rosales Treminio, AshlyNCA0Teustepe