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The Gambia National Championship 2024

Seinast dagført28.04.2024 17:13:24, Creator/Last Upload: gambiachessfederation

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1FMBah, Ebrima21100039GAM2057
2CMSowe, Modou Lamin21100241GAM1921
3Kaba, Jimmy Ebrahima21100357GAM1883
4Nyan, Ismaila21100080GAM1862
5Singhateh, Ousman21100462GAM1860
6Ceesay, Buba Omar21100802GAM1848
7Jallow, Mustapha21100349GAM1836
8Jallow, Abdourahman21100810GAM1833
9Mboob, Habib21100179GAM1825
10CMGarber, Ousainou21100306GAM1818
11Jallow, Jalamang21100128GAM1761
12Riley, James Mathew21100705GAM1731
13Trawally, Momodou21100195GAM1731
14Mendy, Momar21100403GAM1675
15Dabo, Muhammed Mustapha21100721GAM1617
16Nyang, Sait21100284GAM0