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Offenes Vereinsturnier 2024 Kirchberg

Last update 22.11.2024 22:03:45, Creator/Last Upload: Schachclub Kirchberg

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Luginbühl Hanspeter1749SUI 2b0 10w1 8b1 4w1 3b½ 6w1 9b15,522,5177,515,25
2Pfeiffer Andreas1567SUI 1w1 6b0 5w1 7b1 4w0 8b1 3b1527,516919,50
3Weber RenĂ©1651SUI 9w1 7b0 6w1 5b1 1w½ 4b1 2w04,527,516916,75
4Zmyslowski Henryk1736SUI 6w1 5b½ 7w1 1b0 2b1 3w0 10b14,52617214,00
5Stucki Matthias1649SUI 10b1 4w½ 2b0 3w0 8b1 9w1 7b½4221768,75
6Tanner Roger1564SUI 4b0 2w1 3b0 9w1 10w1 1b0 8w½3,524,5175,58,75
7Schüpbach Hans Peter1651SUI 8b1 3w1 4b0 2w0 9b0 10w½ 5w½3231759,25
8Mühlemann Walter1493SUI 7w0 9b1 1w0 10b1 5w0 2w0 6b½2,523,51684,25
9Grossenbacher Marc1482SUI 3b0 8w0 10b1 6b0 7w1 5b0 1w0223,51683,50
10Egli Arnold1323SUI 5w0 1b0 9w0 8w0 6b0 7b½ 4w00,5251651,50

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Sum Buchholz-Tie Break variable
Tie Break3: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable