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Coastal Junior Open Chess Championships is OPEN to all chess players under the age of 20.

Coastal Junior Open Chess Championships 2024 U18 Open and U18 Girls

Last update 27.04.2024 15:18:01, Creator/Last Upload: Namibia Chess-Federation

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Starting rank list

1Amutenya, XavierNAM0Duinesig High School
2Awene, ArmasNAM0Kuisebmond Secondary School
3Bodenstein, NelisNAM0Edugate
4Haipinge, EbbaNAM0Riverside Private School
5Hendjala, JacksonNAM0Kuisebmond Secondary School
6Kayawala, SelmaNAM0Duinesig High School
7Namalemo, PeterNAM0Kuisebmond Secondary School
8Peter, ElvisNAM0Kuisebmond Secondary School
9Shangala, GabrielNAM0Kuisebmond Secondary School
10Snyders, EljeroNAM0Duinesig High School
11Snyders, NathanNAM0De Duine Secondary School
12Swanepoel, RemkoNAM0Future Forward Learning Centre
13Titus, JonathanNAM0Flamingo Secondary School