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Lejweleputswa 3rd Qualifieng Tournament, 2023 U14

Last update 21.04.2024 20:47:57, Creator/Last Upload: Pieter Pretorius

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Starting rank

1Ravhura, LufunoRSA1279
2Mokhathi, OratileRSA1248
3Cornelissen, TinusRSA1185
4Rasego, BohlokwaRSA1181
5Mahloko, LehlohonoloRSA1121
6Van Brakel, DiaanRSA1106
7Coetzee, DianRSA1071
8Bekker, Johan0
9Du Toit, Adriaan0
10Leboela, Reitumetse0
11Masheane, Lithoriso0
12Masheane, Thoriso0
13Molete, Keabetsoe0
14Plaatjies, Kimberly0
15Raditapole, DeborahRSA0
16Seekoei, Amolegang0
17Segoete, OmphileRSA0
18Sojane, KetsepileRSA0
19Tigeli, RelesegoRSA0