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3er Evento Liga de Ajedrez Escolar “Marcha Triunfal Leonesa” Sub-10 Fem

Last update 20.04.2024 20:25:12, Creator/Last Upload: Pedro Zambrano

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Starting rank

1Espinosa, Gomez NataliaMEX1589Instituto Oviedo
2Alvarado, Rojas Elisa SeleneMEX1520Instituto Oviedo
3Salgado, Rubio Emily SofiaMEX1499Instituto Oviedo
4Martinez, Licea Ana ReginaMEX1463Instituto Oviedo
5Becerra, Andrade Darla RominaMEX0Instituto Irena Sendler
6Gutiérrez, Mares Sofía MinervaMEX0Instituto Irena Sendler
7Herrera, López ValentinaMEX0Instituto Irena Sendler
8Mora, García Ami AlejandraMEX0Instituto Quetzalcóatl
9Pérez, Argüelles Paula LizbethMEX0Cepetoqui
10Ruiz, Terrones Tessa VictoriaMEX0Instituto Irena Sendler