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XXV Torneo Vilaseca Preparatoria

Last update 20.04.2024 20:56:34, Creator/Last Upload: Arbiter Norma Vazquez Silvas

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Starting rank

1Aispuro Ramirez, Juan Pablo0CONALEP
2Alarcon Ochoa, Manuel Bejarano0CONALEP
3Amarillas Dominguez, Aaron Alejandro0CONALEP
4Angulo, Fabian0CONALEP
5Avila, Samantha0Cbtis
6Berganio, Hassam0Instituto Kino
7Diaz Alfaro, Brandon0CONALEP
8Dimas Sanchez, Oscar0CONALEP
9Duarte Armenta, Jose Noe0Instituto Kino
10Espitunan, Padme0Instituto Kino
11Fierro Jaquez, Angel Manuel0CONALEP
12Garcia Inda, Santiago0Instituto Kino
13Garcia Inda, Sebastian0Instituto Kino
14Mojica Rebollar, Carlos Julian0CONALEP
15Noyola Sanchez, Alejandro0CONALEP
16Pacheco Gastelum, Oiram0Instituto Kino
17Pacheco, Jeremias0CONALEP
18Perez, Arthur Daniel0Instituto Kino
19Rosales Loya, Oscar0CONALEP
20Zhou Zhou, Melissa0Instituto Kino