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Julius Bär Chess-&Sportcamp Zug 2024 Red Pandas

Last update 19.04.2024 15:38:40, Creator/Last Upload: DSSP2015

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Starting rank

1Boer, MatteoSUI0
2Weiss, Jonas AlexanderSUI0
3Cepila, PetrSUI0
4Degrandi, StenSUI0
5Gasser, LukasSUI0
6Ismailov, TimurSUI0
7Kühn, OliviaSUI0
8Kühn, SiennaSUI0
9Smith, TobiasSUI0
10Stolper, FelixSUI0
11van Doorn, RobinSUI0
12Wulich, AlexSUI0
13Wyss, AninaSUI0