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Eliminatoria Nivel Basico Zona 27

Last update 18.04.2024 20:24:35, Creator/Last Upload: A. O. JOSE ALFREDO CASTILLO GARCIA

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Starting rank

1Aguilar Damian, EmiliaMEX0Juan N Alvarez
2Aquino Barrios, Yuliana CristhelMEX0Juan N Alvarez
3Bismar caal, JoniMEX0Gregorio Torres
4Cardenas Alvarez, Jeremias issacMEX0Juan N Alvarez
5De leon Alfonso, CristobalMEX0Emiliano Zapata
6Garcia Maldonado, BersaiMEX0Juan N Alvarez
7Mejia Mendez, DulceMEX0Gregorio Torres
8Reyes Ruiz, BenignoMEX0Gregorio Torres
9Rivera Rivera, Carlos AzaelMEX0Primaria Mexico
10Ruiz Lopez, Ivan AlbertoMEX0Emiliano Zapata