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Prijave srijeda 15 h

30.Kadetsko i juniorsko prvenstvo ŠS FBIH,Ž12

Last update 21.04.2024 12:17:08, Creator/Last Upload: halim

Starting rank list of players

6Hatibovic, Lamija14431572BIH1592Celik
7Konjic, Merima14427427BIH1578OSK Doboj Istok
5Emrovic, Lamija14436256BIH1564Travnik
9Maric, Marina14434350BIH1425OSK Junior Sarajevo
4Dzafic, Merjem14436442BIH1404Gracanica
1Adilovic, DzanaBIH05 osnovna skola Ilidza
3Doglod, EnaBIH0Celik
2Duric, NidzaraBIH0Alpong
8Kantic, LejlaBIH0Tesanj
10Zeko, Julija14434393BIH0OSK Junior Sarajevo