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Deep Blue open 2024 development

Last update 14.04.2024 15:41:34, Creator/Last Upload: Kaden Muller

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Starting rank

1Ellman, AndriesRSA723
2Siebritz, NoelleRSA719
3Khosa, LwandleRSA705
4Winder, Noah JamesRSA684
5Stoffberg, MikaeelRSA676
6Swartz, AshanRSA661
7Love, TayriqueRSA647
8Hendricks, WillowRSA605
9Soshola, DiegoRSA592
10Hess, CalebRSA557
11Marinus, MadisonRSA556
12Swartz, UmareeRSA523
13Da Camara, IzabellaRSA506
14Engelbrecht, VinchenzoRSA500