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HKJCC HK Inter-School Chess 2024 - Primary Y1-Y3 Division

Last update 14.04.2024 11:44:55, Creator/Last Upload: Hong Kong Juniors Chess Club

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Final Ranking after 7 Rounds

Rk.SNoTeamTeamGames  +   =   -  TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4  TB5 
135335 Pui Ching Primary School A33577001426095,5112
226326 ISF Academy32675111121,508087,5
342342 St. Joseph's Anglo-Chinese Prim Sch A34275111120,5096102
424324 International Christian School32475111119,5091,5105,5
538338 Singapore International School HK A33875021020,5093,5107,5
640340 St Stephen's Preparatory School A34074211019085,596
717317 Hong Kong International School A31775021018,5099115
818318 Hong Kong International School B31875021017091105
934334 Munsang College Primary School334741291708089
1027327 Kennedy School A3277412917076,588,5
1116316 Hong Kong International School G3167412916,5096110
128308 German Swiss International School A308741291508698,5
132302 Beacon Hill School A3027412914090,5105,5
1411311 Harrow International School HK A3117322816,5089101
1532332 La Salle Primary School A3327403816083,597
1619319 Hong Kong International School C3197322816079,593
1720320 Hong Kong International School D3207403816075,586,5
1839339 Singapore International School HK B3397403815,5080,589,5
194304 Chinese International School A3047403815089,5103
2023323 Hong Kong International School H3237322815078,590,5
2136336 Pui Ching Primary School B3367403814,5083,596
2245345 St. Joseph's Anglo-Chinese Prim Sch D345740381408294,5
2333333 La Salle Primary School B3337313716,5069,581
2447347 The Harbour School3477313715090103,5
2525325 International Montessori School3257232713,5059,567
2610310 Glenealy School3107313711,5075,587,5
2741341 St Stephen's Preparatory School B3416123614,507485,5
2843343 St. Joseph's Anglo-Chinese Prim Sch B3437304614069,578,5
295305 Chinese International School B3057304613,5075,585
306306 Chinese International School C3067223613,5072,581,5
319309 German Swiss International School B3097304612,507282,5
327307 Chinese International School D3077304612,5064,570,5
3313313 Harrow International School HK C313722361208093,5
3429329 Kennedy school C3297223612061,570,5
351301 Beacon Hill School B3017133511,5170,581
3628328 Kennedy School B3287214511,516574,5
3746346 St. Joseph's Anglo-Chinese Prim Sch E346721451107885,5
3837337 Pui Kiu Primary School337721459,506978
3914314 Harrow International School HK D31472145907988
4021321 Hong Kong International School E32171335906673,5
4112312 Harrow International School HK B3126105413057,565
4222322 Hong Kong International School F322610541007989,5
4344344 St. Joseph's Anglo-Chinese Prim Sch C344610549,508396,5
4415315 Harrow International School HK E315602448,506166,5
453303 Bradbury School303712447,5071,580,5
4630330 Kennedy School D3306015310054,560,5
4731331 Kiangsu & Chekiang Prim Sch ( Int'l Sect331601539,506877

Tie Break1: Matchpoints (2 For wins, 1 For Draws, 0 For Losses)
Tie Break2: points (game-points)
Tie Break3: The results Of the teams In Then same point group according To Matchpoints
Tie Break4: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break5: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)