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2nd Buffalo City Chess Trials U20 A

Last update 06.04.2024 15:10:43, Creator/Last Upload: Ashley Vermaak

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Starting rank

1Meise, KeagenRSA1657
2Mafongosi, XhantiRSA1617
3Mdlatu, LilithaRSA1595
4Jacobs, ElsjeRSA1546
5Beecum, VihaRSA1526
6Mazikana, EthanRSA1516
7Racaza, SinovuyoRSA1507
8Becker, MatthewRSA1450
9Mlungwana, EmihleRSA1398
10Kabuya, NehemiahRSA1343
11Nkuzo, OnakoRSA1342
12Marnitz, KeenanRSA1341
13John, RubenRSA1340
14De Villiers, EthanRSA1283
15Kondlo, SangweniRSA1259
16Njoli, KhanyaRSA1246
17Sikepu, LiqhaweRSA1201
18Amde, JosephRSA1200
19Noholoza, SibuleleRSA1200
20Moumin, SalemRSA1183
21Bwema, DavidRSA1161
22Mbilase, HlumelaRSA1096
23Nkatana, PhilasandeRSA1540