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17. Kadetsko i juniorsko prvenstvo ŠSZDK (M-10)

Last update 30.03.2024 15:04:20, Creator/Last Upload: Sejfudin

Starting rank list of players

1Abdukic, AliBIH0ŠK Preporod Breza
6Babic, AdemBIH0ŠK Čelik
4Begunic, DinBIH0ŠD Tešanj
3Husanovic, ImranBIH0ŠD Tešanj
8Kuc, AdianBIH0ŠK Čelik
7Pivic, DarisBIH0ŠK Čelik
2Terzic, BakirBIH0ŠD Tešanj
5Zukic, TahirBIH0ŠK Čelik